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The 15 Best Argumentative Essay Topics On Environmental Issues

Many people are passionate about various environmental issues. Therefore, it is often a fantastic theme to use as the basis for argumentative essay. However, with so many topics related to environmental issues, it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down the perfect title for your paper.

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In order to help you think of a good title for your argumentative essay on environmental issues, the following will explain some techniques that you can use to think of ideas. Furthermore, at the bottom of this article, there is a list of 15 of the best argumentative essay topics for environmental issues, which you can either use verbatim, or as further inspiration for your own unique title.

One of the best ways to choose a title that you would like to write about is to note down any ideas you have off the top of your head. Some of these ideas may be useless; however, you will most likely be to think of some that you can use or, at the very least, some of the ideas will then inspire you to think of better topics and titles to write about. Essentially, you can use these brainstorming techniques to come up with a range of ideas, which can then be whittled down into you have the ideal title to use.

  1. The government should do more to end the reliance on non-renewable energy sources
  2. Should car owners pay more in taxes as a result of the environmental damage caused by pollution?
  3. Should all future cars be hybrid vehicles to minimise environmental damage and pollution?
  4. Should individuals face stricter penalties as a result of littering?
  5. Should companies that are found guilty of dumping toxic waste and materials be shut down?
  6. Should individual households do more to recycle any rubbish that they produce?
  7. Is the United States doing enough to reduce CO2 emissions?
  8. Are humans responsible for climate change?
  9. Are cheap goods worth it considering the environmental damage caused to produce them?
  10. Are hybrid cars as environmentally friendly as they are portrayed to be?
  11. Should the United States set a good example for the rest of the world when it comes to reducing pollution?
  12. Is the nuclear waste produced by nuclear submarines and nuclear power stations disposed of safely enough?
  13. Are people overly concerned about the environmental effects of nuclear power?
  14. Should all people travel by public transport?
  15. Should the government make public transport free in order to reduce the polluting effect caused by individuals travelling by cars?

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