Academia de Escrita

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15 Attention-Grabbing Argumentative Essay Topics Related To Nursing

You know, writing an argumentative essay can be a lot of fun. No more do you have to bite your lip and write in an unbiased way (as I’m sure you’ve had to do with other assignments); now you can voice an opinion!

Having said that, you’re not being asked to blindly shout off your mouth on the topic at hand! You will, of course, need to present an informed, well balanced piece consisting of counter arguments and opinions (from reputable people and organizations) as much as your own take on the issue.

Nevertheless, the object is to persuade your reader to your stance, so if you select your references wisely, contain relevant information and provide a level headed, well presented case, then you can’t go wrong.

It’s always best to select an issue that you have a real passion for. (It also helps if you already know a fair bit about the subject beforehand.) If you can balance your passion with that of academic excellence, you’ll be on to a winner.

So, in this instance, you need to choose an issue concerned with nursing. It’s a big subject, so the more you can narrow it down to a specific point of interest, and one on which there is a great deal of data and opinions to be had, the better your choice will be.

Here are fifteen ideas to help you come up with your own topic:

  • Why more men becoming nurses would be beneficial to the equality of the sector.
  • Nurses should not be allowed to end the life of a patient.
  • An increase in salary for nurses is crucial to providing a better health care service.
  • Nurses should be allowed to take on board more responsibilities that can currently only be provided by doctors.
  • Western safety standards for nursing should be mandatory in developing countries.
  • To provide all round better health care, an extra year of study should be added to all nursing qualification courses.
  • Placebos work – why nurses should be administering them.
  • Personal choice: the right of Jehova’s Witnesses to not be induced for treatment.
  • Understaffed hospitals are directly responsible for poor quality of care.
  • The U.S.A should have a National Health System akin to Britain.
  • Spouses should have the right to remove feeding tubes from their partners.
  • The government should raise more awareness of the health risks from junk food.
  • Stem cell research should have more government funding.
  • Nurses should administer homeopathy pills – it’s not all bunk!
  • How European working methods in health care should be introduced in the U.S.

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