Academia de Escrita

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How to Write a Brilliant Expository Essay

An expository essay explains a concept or explains a process. When writing an expository essay, pick a subject that you are familiar with or have a great interest in knowing more about it. Then, after selecting the topic, follow these easy to use steps.

  1. Research the subject to make sure you understanding is accurate
  2. If the topic is a step-by-step action and you are able to do so, perform he steps repeatedly to completely understand the idea.
  3. If you cannot perform the steps, try to find an online video or procedural for the process.
  4. Write down (in bullet-point form) the steps
  5. The paper has to be more than just the steps, so begin to explore interesting facts, data, and stories about your process
  6. Come up with a thesis statement. An example might be: Making an ice cream sundae can be fun, inexpensive, and speedy process that results in a delicious treat.
  7. Now make the outline that you will follow for the paper.
  8. Write the rough draft and then the final after the teacher grades the rough draft.

To make the paper unique, consider some of the following fun topics. With an expository essay, you can have a lot of fun. Be different and unique when you pick the topic. You can also gain inspiration for your own ideas from this topic list.


  • How to make a ice cream sundae
  • The perfect date
  • How to make meatballs
  • How to repair a…
  • Date night on less than $ 10.00
  • How to ace chemistry class
  • How to change a car or bike tire
  • How to catch a fish
  • Making a pizza
  • Making an A+ on your essay
  • How to lose five pounds safely in a week
  • How to pick the best fantasy football team
  • Changing the oil in your car
  • Setting up a fresh water aquarium
  • How to make a wine-box vegetable garden
  • How to re-finish a piece of furniture
  • How to perfectly wash and wax your car
  • Making a chocolate cake
  • Mastering a video game
  • 50 ways to help your neighborhood
  • Being a green member of society
  • Making model cars
  • Applying for college

There are many creative expository essay topics. Try to think out of the box, learn something new, and have fun the next time your teacher assigns you an expository essay to write.

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